Foto-foto Kongres IKOHI II - Photoes from the 2nd Congress of IKOHI
Below are some pictures taken during the 2nd congress of IKOHI:
Bersanding di pelaminan pembicara : Hasbi, Mugiyanto (Ketua IKOHI), Zomroetin (Komisioner Komnas HAM), Usman Hamid (Ketua BP KontraS), dan Wilson (Praxis).
Sitting as panelists from the left : Hasbi, Mugiyanto (Chairperson of IKOHI), Zomroetin (Commissioner of National Commission on Human Rights), Usman Hamid (Head of Exceutive Body of KontraS), and Wilson (Praxis).
Wujud piala IKOHI Award.
This is the IKOHI Award.
Mbak Suciwati dengan piala IKOHI Award yang kali ini dianugerahkan kepada Alm. Munir atas dedikasi dan pengorbanannya untuk penegakkan HAM di Indonesia.
Ms. Suciwati holds the IKOHI Award which for this year is being awarded to the late Munir for his dedication in the field of human rights in Indonesia
Inilah rombongan dari Jawa Timur
Delegates from East Java.
Keluarga Herman Hendrawan dari Bangka, Sumatra.
Families of Herman Hendrawan from Bangka, Sumatra.Rombongan Sulawesi Tengah beraksi.
Bapak Masoka dari Papua.
Ari dari Kalimantan.
Ari from Kalimantan (Borneo).
At Monday, March 20, 2006 4:16:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Buat fotografer IKOHI... tolong coba sebelum memotret, settingan tanggalnya dicocokkan dulu dengan kenyataan yang dihadapi, hehehe...
Lihat tuh.. tanggalan di fotonya 8 Maret 2005... ;p
At Tuesday, March 21, 2006 3:05:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
"mugi: agnes, caption yg sulawesi itu sulawesi tengah, bukan utara. bahasa inggrisnya central sulawesi.. he he he"
kocak juga bos! :))
okeh deh... ta' benerin nanti :)
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