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Friday, June 15, 2007

Testimony to the UN SR on HRD, Ms. Hina Jilani

Testimony before the UN Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on the Situation of the Human Rights Defenders Ms. Hina Jilani
during the Public Hearing in Jakarta, June 7, 2007

Mugiyanto; Born on November 2, 1973; Survivor of the disappearances; Chairperson of Indonesian Association of Families of the Disappeared (IKOHI) and Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD);

As a chairperson of IKOHI, what I do is to run organization that has three mandates. They are: 1) Data basing and documenting cases of disappearances throughout Indonesia, 2) Empowering the victims and relatives of victims of human rights violation particularly disappearances in the field of social and politics and economic and psychological welfare, 3) Campaigning and conducting advocacy for truth and justice by demanding state accountability for the cases of disappearances and other cases of gross human rights violation.

Besides conducting campaign and advocacy nationally, IKOHI as a member or the Asian Federation against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) is also active in international advocacy, such as by reporting the cases of disappearances and meeting with the UN WGEID in Geneva. IKOHI also frequently presents during the Sessions of UN Human Rights Commissions and the then Human Rights Council to deliver oral interventions.

In conducting those activities I have experienced obstructions from various levels of authorities and parties:

1. On May 30 2005, along with three other persons I received a letter of death threat sent to my office by a person using a name of M Julfikar from the defender of the New Order. In the letter he said that that I am a communist and disturbing stability in relation to the fights for justice for the Trisakti and Semanggi Student Shooting case (TSS) and accordingly within 15 days I will be executed. I reported this case to the police station in Jakarta but there is no follow up whatsoever. I also reported the case to the UNWGEID having meeting in Bangkok, Thailand and then the UNWGEID released a Prompt Interventions for Reprisals.
2. During the Sessions of UN Commission of Human Rights in March 2004, I was harrashed, intimidated, discouraged by a staff of the Indonesian Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva to not bringing the cases of disappearances to the United Nations. I report this case orally to the ministry of foreign affairs in Jakarta, but no positive response was given, let alone expression of apology.
3. I along with other colleagues of human rights defenders in my organization in 14 regions working among the victims of human rights violation with different political backgrounds; many of them being the victims because they were accused of being communists, separatists and terrorists, are very often being subjected to verbal and physical terror, intimidation and stigmatization. In such situation, we are hesitant to make a report to the police, because we believe that they are part of the game.
4. I along with my colleagues in my organization also face difficulties in organizing the victims because the perpetrators are directly or indirectly intimidating them and preventing them from going out of their villages to struggle for justice, like what happens to those handling the case of Lampung Tragedy in 1989.

In such situation, we can not freely do our works because of haunted with threat of violence and limitation of mobility. And perhaps it is also because of this situation that our works in fighting for the upholding of human rights, truth and justice are like facing iron wall. That’s what we understand of impunity.

We are also worried with the fact that most perpetrators of human rights violations are still free and unaccountable for what they have done. Many of them are even promoted and having strategic position in the government structure. They are at any time free do what they want against people like us.

Thank you very much.


Kesaksian Mugiyanto – IKOHI
kepada Wakil Sekjen PBB untuk Pembela HAM, Ms. Hina Jilani
Jakarta, June 7, 2007

Mugiyanto; Lahir 2 November 1973; Korban selamat kasus penghilangan paksa tahun 1998;
Ketua Ikatan Keluarga Orang Hilang Indonesia (IKOHI) dan AFAD;

Sebagai ketua IKOHI, yang saya lakukan adalah menjalan organisasi saya yang memiliki 3 mandat kerja, yaitu:
1) Melakukan pendataan dan dokumentasi kasus penghilangan paksa di seluruh Indonesia,
2) Melakukan pemberdayaan korban dan keluarga korban pelanggaran HAM khususnya penghilangan paksa di bidang sosial dan politik serta ekonomi dan psikologi,
3) Melakukan kampanye dan advokasi untuk kebenaran dan keadilan dengan menuntut pertanggungjawaban negara atas kasus-kasus penghilangan paksa dan kasus pelanggaran berat HAM lainnya.

Disamping melakukan kegiatan kampanye dan advokasi di tingkat nasional, IKOHI sebagai anggota AFAD (Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances ) juga aktif dalam advokasi internasional, misalnya dengan melaporkan kasus penghilangan paksa dan mengadakan pertemuan dengan UNWGEID (United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances) di Jenewa, Swiss. Saya juga beberapa kali menghadiri sidang Komisi HAM PBB dan Dewan HAM PBB untuk memberikan intervensi lisan.

Dalam menjalankan kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut, saya pernah mengalami beberapa hambatan dan gangguan dari aparat pemerintah dan pihak-pihak lain seperti:
1. Pada tanggal 30 Mei 2005 saya bersama dengan 3 orang lain menerima surat ancaman pembunuhan yang dikirim ke kantor saya dari seorang yang mengaku bernama M Julfikar sebagai pembela Orde Baru. Dalam surat tersebut ia mengatakan bahwa saya adalah komunis dan pembuat kekacauan sehubungan pengungkapan kasus Trisakti dan Semanggi (TSS) dan karenanya dalam 15 hari saya akan dibunuh. Teman-teman IKOHI melaporkan kasus ini ke polisi di Jakarta, tetapi tidak ada tanggapan apapun. Saya juga melaporkan kasus ini ke UNWGEID yang sedang mengadakan sidang di Bangkok Thailand, dan mereka langsung mengeluarkan Prompt Interventions for Reprisals.
2. Dalam Sidang Komisi HAM PBB bulan Maret 2004 di Jenewa saya mengalami pelecehan dan intimidasi dari seorang staff Perwakilan Tetap Indonesia di PBB, Jenewa, karena saya membawa dan melaporkan kasus-kasus penghilangan paksa di Indonesia ke PBB di Jenewa.
Atas kasus ini, saya melaporkan secara lisan ke kementerian luar negeri di Jakarta, tapi merekapun tidak memberikan tanggapan positif seperti meminta maaf.
3. Saya bersama-sama dengan teman-teman pembela HAM lain dalam organisasi saya di 14 daerah yang bekerja diantara korban pelanggaran HAM dari berbagai latar belakang politik; banyak diantara mereka yang menjadi korban karena mereka dituduh komunis, separatis, terorris dan lain-lain, juga sering mengalami terror verbal dan fisik, intimidasi dan stigmatisasi. Dalam kasus seperti ini, kami ragu untuk melapor ke polisi karena kami mencurigai mereka juga bagian dari semua kejadian ini.
4. Saya bersama dengan teman-teman saya di organisasi saya juga mengalami kesulitan dalam mengorganisasikan korban, karena ternyata para pelaku baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung menakut-nakuti korban dan membatasi mobilitas korban untuk tidak berjuang menuntut keadilan seperti teman-teman kami yang menangani kasus tragedi di Lampung 1989.

Dalam situasi yang demikian, kami tidak bisa bekerja secara bebas karena dihantui ancaman kekerasan dan pembatasan ruang gerak. Dan mungkin karena situasi ini pula lah yang menjadikan pekerjaan menegakkan HAM, kebenaran dan keadilan seperti selalu menghadapi tembok besi. Dri sinilah kami memahami apa yang namanya impunitas.

Saya juga khawatir karena sebagian besar (kalau tidak semua) pelaku pelanggaran HAM masih bebas berkeliaran dan tidak mempertanggungjawabkan apa yang mereka telah lakukan. Bahkan banyak diantara mereka yang naik pangkat dan memiliki jabatan strategis di pemerintah. Sewaktu-waktu mereka bisa saja melakukan berbagai tindak kekerasan kepada orang-orang seperti kami ini

Terima kasih


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Kebenaran Akan Terus Hidup
Jakarta : Yappika dan IKOHI xx, 220 hlm : 15 x 22 cm
ISBN: Cetakan Pertama,
Agustus 2007
Editor : Wilson
Desain dan Tata letak :
Panel Barus
Diterbitkan Oleh :
Yappika dan IKOHI
Dicetak oleh :
Sentralisme Production
Foto : Koleksi Pribadi

Dipersilahkan mengutip isi buku dengan menyebutkan sumber.

Buku ini dijual dengan harga RP. 30,000,-. Untuk pembelian silahkan hubungi IKOHI via telp. (021) 315 7915 atau Email: kembalikan@yahoo.com




IKOHI was set up on September 17, 1998 by the parents and surfaced victims of disappearances. Since then, IKOHI was assisted by KONTRAS, until October 2002 when finally IKOHI carried out it first congress to complete its organizational structure. In the Congress, IKOHI decided its two priority of programs. They are (1) the empowerment of the social, economic, social and cultural potential of the members as well as mental and physical, and (2) the campaign for solving of the cases and preventing the cases from happening again. The solving of the cases means the reveal of the truth, the justice for the perpetrators, the reparation and rehabilitation of the victims and the guarantee that such gross violation of human right will never be repeated again in the future.

Jl. Matraman Dalam II, No. 7, Jakarta 10320
Phone: 021-3100060
Fax: 021-3100060
Email: kembalikan@yahoo.com



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