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Thursday, February 07, 2008

AFAD's Statement on the Anniversary of the Signing of the Convention


Respect the Right Not to Be Disappeared

February 6, 2008 – A year ago, 57 member-states of the United Nations signed the United Nations Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances. A fruit of persistent and tireless struggle of the Latin American Federation of Associations of Relatives of Disappeared – Detainees (FEDEFAM) and later by the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) and other similar formations of families of the disappeared from different continents and very ably complemented by the legal expertise of international organizations and individual experts and key actors, the final text of the Convention saw the light of day on September 23, 1995. Lest we forget, we owe this fast negotiation process to the profound commitment and extraordinary diplomatic adeptness of the late Ambassador Bernard Kessedjian who chaired the then Inter-Sessional Working Group to Elaborate a Draft Legally-Binding Normative Instrument for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances.

The Convention, which provides for the right to truth and the right not to be subjected to enforced disappearances, guarantees non repetition of the crime. Owing to the continuing nature of enforced disappearances, it, in fact, facilitates the resolution of past cases.

At no other time than now that the Convention's entry into force is more than ever an urgent concern. This is especially so that the number of cases of this heinous crime is increasing as per recent reports of the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. Yet, with the 72 signatories and 2 ratifications, the Convention's enforcement is far from sight.

While we relish every reason to celebrate for having reached 72 signatories and two ratifications, AFAD has every reason to worry for the slow turn of signatories and ratifications in its own region where cases are most rampant. The imperative of more Asian governments' support and ratification is a cause for intensive and extensive lobbying in the Asian region. This litany of cases ever increasing with each passing day, the incessant cry of the families of the victims for truth, justice, redress and memory and very importantly the inspiration of the desaparecidos – all these urge AFAD to persevere in the campaign for signatures and ratification and the enactment of domestic laws to ensure implementation.

The late His Excellency Bernard Kessedjian, in his words to AFAD in its book

" Healing Wounds, Mending Scars," to wit: The international community stands up against enforced disappearances and acknowledges that this unbearable practice violates all human rights and even denies the identity of the disappeared while planning oblivion. We have the duty to prevent this in the future, to restore the hope of truth of families and to bring victims back to life in our collective memory. This is part of the ongoing fight against barbarism." No tribute to this great man could be more apt than ensuring the Convention's entry into force and its implementation in as many countries as possible.

On this first anniversary of the signing of the Convention, we reiterate:

Stop Enforced Disappearances! Convention Now!

Signed and authenticated by:


Chairperson AFAD Secretary-General AFAD

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Dirjen HAM Sepakat Tidak Berikan Amnesti

RUU Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi
Dirjen HAM Sepakat Tidak Berikan Amnesti
4 Februari 2008 - 18:51 WIB
Indah Nurmasari

VHRmedia.com, Jakarta - Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia sepakat tidak memberikan amnesti kepada para pelaku kejahatan kemanusiaan dalam aturan RUU Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi.

Koordinator Ikatan Keluarga Orang Hilang Indonesia (IKOHI) Mugiyanto menyatakan hal itu seusai audiensi dengan Direktur Jenderal HAM Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, Senin (4/2).

Menurut Mugiyanto, selain menyepakati tidak memasukkan aturan amnesti dalam RUU Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi (KKR), Harkristuti juga sepakat untuk memfokuskan isi RUU tersebut pada nasib korban-korban pelanggaran HAM. Namun Harkristuti menjelaskan, hal itu tidak berarti melupakan hak-hak para pelaku kejahatan kemanusiaan.

Mugiyanto mengungkapkan, naskah akademik RUU KKR sudah selesai disusun dan akan dibuka ke masyarakat untuk dikritisi. Menurut dia, yang paling penting adalah informasi proses pembuatan RUU KKR itu berjalan transparan sehingga para korban dan keluarga korban pelanggaran HAM dapat memonitor prosesnya. "Yang penting pihak-pihak yang mengerjakan ini (RUU KKR) harus memberikan peluang bagi para korban untuk memberi masukan dan memonitor prosesnya," ujarnya.

Dalam pertemuan tersebut para korban meminta agar KKR tidak menjadi lembaga impunitas baru bagi para korban pelanggaran HAM. Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi harus mampu mengungkap kebenaran yang menyeluruh dan adil bagi para korban. Selain itu, menurut Mugiyanto, KKR seharusnya ditempatkan sebagai lembaga pelengkap dan bukan pengganti mekanisme Pengadilan HAM Ad Hoc. (E1)

©2008 VHRmedia.com


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Kebenaran Akan Terus Hidup
Jakarta : Yappika dan IKOHI xx, 220 hlm : 15 x 22 cm
ISBN: Cetakan Pertama,
Agustus 2007
Editor : Wilson
Desain dan Tata letak :
Panel Barus
Diterbitkan Oleh :
Yappika dan IKOHI
Dicetak oleh :
Sentralisme Production
Foto : Koleksi Pribadi

Dipersilahkan mengutip isi buku dengan menyebutkan sumber.

Buku ini dijual dengan harga RP. 30,000,-. Untuk pembelian silahkan hubungi IKOHI via telp. (021) 315 7915 atau Email: kembalikan@yahoo.com




IKOHI was set up on September 17, 1998 by the parents and surfaced victims of disappearances. Since then, IKOHI was assisted by KONTRAS, until October 2002 when finally IKOHI carried out it first congress to complete its organizational structure. In the Congress, IKOHI decided its two priority of programs. They are (1) the empowerment of the social, economic, social and cultural potential of the members as well as mental and physical, and (2) the campaign for solving of the cases and preventing the cases from happening again. The solving of the cases means the reveal of the truth, the justice for the perpetrators, the reparation and rehabilitation of the victims and the guarantee that such gross violation of human right will never be repeated again in the future.

Jl. Matraman Dalam II, No. 7, Jakarta 10320
Phone: 021-3100060
Fax: 021-3100060
Email: kembalikan@yahoo.com



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