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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kembalikan Wiji Thukul!

Wiji Thukul mulai hilang komunikasi dengan keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya pada awal tahun 1998. Beberapa data dan kesaksian menyebutkan ia berada dalam daftar orang yang paling diburu oleh pemerintah Orde Baru Suharto sejak 27 Juli 1996.

Mari bersama-sama mendesak pemerintah SBY untuk mencari keberadaan Wiji Thukul dan 12 orang aktifis pro demokrasi yang masih hilang.

Ratifikasi Konvensi Sekarang!

Konvensi Anti Penghilangan Paksa ini mulai berlaku efektif hari ini, 23 Desember 2010.
Mari mendesak pemerintah untuk segera meratifikasi!

Kembalikan Mereka yang Dihilangkan!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

US agreed to reverse Indonesian army ban for Obama visit
Philip Dorling and Nick McKenzie
December 17, 2010

INDONESIA threatened to derail a visit to Jakarta by President Barack Obama this year unless he overturned the US ban on training the controversial Kopassus army special forces.

Leaked US State Department cables reveal that the Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, privately told the Americans that continuing the ban - introduced in 1999 because of Kopassus's appalling human rights record - was the ''litmus test of the bilateral relationship'' between the US and Indonesia.

Six months later the US agreed to resume ties with Kopassus, despite fierce criticism from some human rights groups and American politicians about Jakarta's failure to hold officers to account for their role in atrocities.

The cables, made available exclusively to the Herald by WikiLeaks, detail US concerns about Indonesia's failure to prosecute the military personnel responsible for murder and torture during the conflicts in East Timor and Aceh.

But they also reveal that US diplomats in Jakarta believed that Dr Yudhoyono's demands should be met to ensure that Indonesia's military and security services would protect US interests in the region, including co-operation in the fight against terrorism. It was also argued that closer military ties would encourage further reform of Indonesia's military.

The Indonesian leader's call to lift the Kopassus training ban is described in a January cable from the US embassy in Jakarta.

''President Yudhoyono (SBY) and other senior Indonesian officials have made it clear to us that SBY views the issue of Army Special Forces (KOPASSUS) training as a litmus test of the bilateral relationship and that he believes the … visit of President Obama will not be successful unless this issue is resolved in advance of the visit.''

The US Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, said in July that the US needed to renew links with Kopassus ''as a result of Indonesian military reforms over the past decade, the ongoing professionalisation of the TNI [army], and recent actions taken by the Ministry of Defence to address human rights issues''.

An expert on the Indonesian military, the Australian Defence Force Academy associate professor Clinton Fernandes, said the cables appeared to show that members of Congress such as Patrick Leahy - author of the 1999 ban on training with Kopassus - ''have not been told the real reason for Mr Obama's decision, which was to provide photo opportunities for the President''.

''The decision to renew links shows contempt not only to the victims of gross human rights violations but to members of the US Congress,'' Professor Fernandes said.

US diplomatic cables from the past four years reveal that Jakarta's intense lobbying to lift the Kopassus ban was largely supported by the US embassy in Jakarta, which cited the Australian military's ties with Kopassus as a reason to lift the ban. An April 2007 cable says that ''our Australian counterparts often encourage us to resume training for Kopassus''.

But numerous cables also detail serious US concerns about resuming ties. In October 2007, the embassy told Washington that ''Indonesia has not prosecuted past human rights violations in any consistent manner.

''While we need to keep Indonesia mindful of the consequences of inaction on TNI accountability, Indonesia is unlikely to abandon its approach. We need therefore to encourage the Indonesian government to take alternative steps to demonstrate accountability.''

Another 2007 cable details US concern about the appearance at a Kopassus anniversary celebration of Tommy Suharto, the notorious son of the former president who served several years in prison for arranging the killing of a judge who convicted him of fraud.

In May 2008 the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, was briefed by US diplomats that ''the key impediment to expanded engagement remains the failure of the GOI [Indonesia] to press for accountability for past human rights abuses by security forces''.

The cable welcomes Indonesia's continuing military reforms but noted they were not ''the same as putting generals behind bars for past human rights abuses''.

Last last year, about six months before the US lifted its Kopassus ban, a senior US official, Bill Burns, told Indonesian counterparts that ''engagement with Kopassus continued to be a difficult and complex issue, particularly as there remained many in Washington, including in Congress, with serious concerns about accountability for past Kopassus actions''.

But the US cables also reveal the Jakarta embassy's efforts to water down the background screening that Indonesian military officers must undergo if they undertake training in the US.

The US embassy is also revealed in another cable as heavily playing down a report by Human Rights Watch last year that alleged Kopassus soldiers had committed recent human rights abuses in Papua. The embassy calls the report unbalanced and unconfirmed and says the abuses detailed do not appear to ''meet the standard of gross violation of human rights''.

Source: http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/us-agreed-to-reverse-indonesian-army-ban-for-obama-visit-20101216-18zmw.html

Friday, December 10, 2010

Rezim SBY tidak memiliki komitmen dalam penegakan HAM

Pernyataan Sikap
Ikatan Keluarga Orang Hilang Indonesia – IKOHI
No :79/srt-kel.stat/bp-ikohi/XI/2010

Rezim SBY tidak memiliki komitmen dalam penegakan HAM
(Memperingati Hari HAM Sedunia)

Salam perjuangan,

Tanggal 10 Desember 2010, genap 62 tahun dunia internasional merayakan hari kelahiran Deklarasi Universal Hak Asasi Manusia yang dikumandangkan di Jenewa pada tanggal 10 Desember 1948. Melalui deklarasi ini, masyarakat dunia internasional bersepakat untuk menghormati HAM berdasarkan prinsip non-diskriminasi, kesetaraan dan pluralisme. Deklarasi ini mewajibkan semua orang memajukan penghormatan dan menjamin pelaksanaan HAM yang bersifat universal. Momentum lahirnya deklarasi tersebut kemudian disepakati secara internasional sebagai Hari Hak Asasi Manusia Sedunia.

Indonesia, yang menjadi bagian dari masyarakat dunia internasional, tentunya juga terikat dalam Deklarasi tersebut. Penghormatan dan penegakan HAM oleh negara seharusnya menjadi lebih baik setiap harinya, karena memang itulah tujuan dari suatu negara untuk melindungi rakyatnya. Namun fakta yang ada kenyataannya menunjukkan kondisi yang berbeda sama sekali dari cita-cita luhur deklarasi tersebut.

Kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM masa lalu, yang seharusnya menjadi tanggung jawab negara, hingga saat ini masih saja terbengkalai. Beberapa kasus yang telah diselidiki dan dinyatakan sebagai kasus pelanggaran HAM berat oleh Komnas HAM, kenyataannya saat ini hanya menjadi tumpukan “arsip” di Kejaksaan Agung. Sudah bertahun-tahun korban dan keluarga korban pelanggaran HAM mendesak pemerintah untuk segera menuntaskan kasus-kasus tersebut, namun hingga saat ini pemerintah masih saja tidak bergeming dan tidak ingin menyelesaikannya.

Tidak adanya komitmen penegakan HAM oleh rezim SBY ini dapat dilihat dari tidak adanya tindak lanjut rekomendasi DPR tentang kasus penghilangan paksa 1997/1998 oleh pemerintah. Rekomendasi DPR tentang kasus penghilangan paksa aktifis pro demokrasi 1997/1998 yang isinya merekomendasikan Presiden untuk segera membentuk Pengadilan HAM, membentuk tim pencarian untuk korban yang masih hilang, memberikan kompensasi kepada keluarga korban penghilangan paksa dan meratifikasi Konvensi Anti Penghilangan Paksa, telah disahkan oleh paripurna DPR pada tanggal 28 September 2009. Namun hingga kini, rekomendasi yang telah sangat jelas tersebut pengaplikasiannya, tidak ditindaklanjuti oleh Presiden SBY.

Dampak dari terbengkalainya kasus pelanggaran HAM masa lalu, tentunya akan menyebabkan tidak adanya efek jera terhadap para pelaku pelanggaran HAM dan kasus-kasus tersebut akan selalu berulang di kemudian hari. Kenyataannya memang benar. Kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM selalu saja terjadi hingga hari ini. Penembakan, penyiksaan, penangkapan sewenang-wenang atau yang lainnya masih saja dilakukan oleh aparat negara hingga hari ini. Kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM yang terjadi di masa reformasi tersebut pun tidak kunjung diselesaikan oleh negara. Pemerintah hanya membiarkan kasus-kasus tersebut berlalu, dan berharap rakyat Indonesia akan melupakan kasus-kasus itu, termasuk kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM masa lalu.

Akan semakin banyak kasus pelanggaran HAM yang dilakukan oleh rezim ini, jika kita melihat sejenak kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM di bidang Ekosob. Negara tidak bertindak aktif untuk mencegah penindasan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok mayoritas terhadap kelompok minoritas. Hal ini berakibat semakin meruncingnya konflik antara kelompok di Indonesia, baik itu antar kelompok agama maupun kelompok sosial lainnya.

Pelarangan terhadap buku-buku yang dalam versi pemerintah dianggap mengganggu ketertiban masyarakat umum pun masih dilakukan. Begitu juga dengan pembiaran terhadap kelompok masyarakat tertentu untuk membubarkan kegiatan-kegiatan dari kelompok lainnya. Hak kebebasan berpendapat dan bereskpresi pun dibiarkan diberangus oleh negara.

Hak untuk mendapatkan layanan pendidikan dan kesehatan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia pun kenyataannya hanya menjadi janji-janji kosong saja. Biaya yang tinggi untuk mengakses layanan pendidikan dan kesehatan tentunya berakibat pada tidak mampunya sebagian besar rakyat Indonesia untuk menikmati layanan tersebut.

Di beberapa daerah bahkan hingga saat ini kerap terjadi pencaplokan tanah oleh perusahaan yang dibekingi oleh aparat negara. Hal ini kemudian menyebabkan terjadinya penembakan, penyiksaan atau penangkapan sewenang-wenang terhadap kelompok masyarakyat yang menentang kebijakan tersebut. Kasus penyiksaan terhadap rakyat juga masih saja dilakukan di Papua. Terkuaknya kesaksian dari seorang warga Papua yang telah mengalami penyiksaan semakin mencoreng penegakan HAM yang seharusnya menjadi tanggung jawab negara.

Bila dirunut dengan banyaknya kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM di Indonesia, hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa rezim SBY memang telah gagal dalam menghormati dan menegakan HAM bagi rakyatnya. Rezim ini memang tidak memiliki komitmen terhadap penghormatan dan penegakan HAM. Bahkan perlindungan terhadap rakyatnya agar terbebas dari tindakan pelanggaran HAM pun tidak dilakukan dan dijamin oleh rezim SBY.

Jakarta, 8 Desember 2010
Ikatan Keluarga Orang Hilang Indonesia (IKOHI)

Mugiyanto Wanmayetty
Ketua Sekretaris Umum

The Right to Defend Human Rights

AFAD Statement on
Commemoration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
10 December 2010

The Right to Defend Human Rights

Everyone has rights. Defending one’s rights and that of others is in itself a right as well as an obligation. This is the life-preserving message of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted on 10 December 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly in response to the horrors of the past. This document has become a basic foundation for building a just, peaceful and humane world.

Sixty-two years since its adoption, its message remains relevant as human rights violations continue unabated in all nooks and cronies of the world. Millions of people all over the world are relentlessly made to suffer from the curtailment of their basic right to life and liberty.

Enforced disappearance is one of the gravest forms, if not the gravest of human rights violations ever known in history. It is a deprivation of life and freedom and a furtive manner of taking away a person without a trace. Its traumatic effects undoubtedly extend to the victims’ next of kin as it produces severe anguish of not knowing the fates and whereabouts of the victims because of the continuous refusal of the state to acknowledge the disappearance of the person. Especially in the context of poverty in many Third World countries and where most of those who were made to disappear were men, the sufferings of the victims’ families are aggravated by economic hardship brought about by the sudden loss of breadwinners.

Since the period when enforced disappearances were first committed on a gross and systematic scale by Nazi Germany during the 2nd World War under the Nacht und Nebel Erlass (Night and Fog Decree), lamentably, enforced disappearance persists in many countries the world over. It then spreads throughout the globe, first in Latin America in the 70s under the iron hands of military regimes and later became evident in many other countries. It is used as the most convenient tool of states to quell dissent and eliminate political opposition.

Precisely due to its seriousness, it is considered a crime against humanity under international law. The adoption of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance by the UN General Assembly in 2006 and its entry into force on 23 December 2010 following the deposit of the instrument of ratification by Iraq is a strong global response to end the phenomenon of enforced disappearance.

The Convention is a concrete legal measure, which when put in place and complemented with domestic legislation, can be an effective tool to help strengthen governments' capacities to prevent disappearances, punish the perpetrators and provide justice and redress to victims and their families.

While Asia is the continent which has the highest cases of disappearances reported in recent years to the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance (UNWGEID), most Asian countries are not yet signatories and parties to this very important human rights treaty. Enforced disappearance is continuously carried out in this region with impunity allowing perpetrators to escape accountability while victims and their families continue to suffer from the lack of mechanisms for redress.

Today, as we commemorate the International Human Rights Day, the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) once again strongly urge all Asian governments to promote, protect and fulfill the Asian peoples’ fundamental rights by signing and ratifying the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. By doing so, they can contribute in making human rights a reality in the region where there is no law combating enforced disappearance and a strong regional mechanism for human rights protection.

Today, we also pay tribute to the great men and women who treaded the arduous path in defense of human rights and had sacrificed their lives for the cause of the disappeared and all other victims of human rights violations. They will always serve as our inspiration to continue working for and defending human rights at all cost. By following their example, we recognize that defending human rights is not simply a choice but a mission for all humanity.

Signed and authenticated by:

Chairperson Secretary-General


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Kebenaran Akan Terus Hidup
Jakarta : Yappika dan IKOHI xx, 220 hlm : 15 x 22 cm
ISBN: Cetakan Pertama,
Agustus 2007
Editor : Wilson
Desain dan Tata letak :
Panel Barus
Diterbitkan Oleh :
Yappika dan IKOHI
Dicetak oleh :
Sentralisme Production
Foto : Koleksi Pribadi

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IKOHI was set up on September 17, 1998 by the parents and surfaced victims of disappearances. Since then, IKOHI was assisted by KONTRAS, until October 2002 when finally IKOHI carried out it first congress to complete its organizational structure. In the Congress, IKOHI decided its two priority of programs. They are (1) the empowerment of the social, economic, social and cultural potential of the members as well as mental and physical, and (2) the campaign for solving of the cases and preventing the cases from happening again. The solving of the cases means the reveal of the truth, the justice for the perpetrators, the reparation and rehabilitation of the victims and the guarantee that such gross violation of human right will never be repeated again in the future.

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